
June 4, 2025
11:00AM - 12:00PM

Application of Hybrid Decon for Industrial Emergency Response

Reggie Norton, First Line Technology

This presentation will focus on the new technologies, lessons learned and best practice for a modern dry and hybrid decon system, with a focus on the industrial setting.

Learning Objectives:  1. Attendees will be introduced to the latest evidence based best practice for victim decon to include mass casualty incidents, and technical decon of responders.

2. Attendees will be introduced to the latest in decontamination technology. The use of technical wipes for dry decon and low volume use of reactive decon solutions where appropriate.

3. Attendees will be shown how to implement a dry /hybrid decon strategy in an industrial setting. We will discuss how this results in a safer and more effective decon, while reducing waste and manpower needed.


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