June 4, 2025
1:45PM - 2:45PM
Electric Vehicles and Li-Ion Batteries – What First Responders Need to Know
Gordon Lohmeyer, Texas A & M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Micro Mobility Devices, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and their related lithium-ion battery fire potential pose a significant risk to the First Responder, the community and potentially to the environment. This session will help First Responders make effective decisions regarding these hazards. We will also discuss the growth of Green Energy in the State and the related implications. An overview will be provided of recent research TEEX and the ATF conducted at the Southwest Research Institute. Li-Ion batteries were forced into thermal runaway and the following substances were quantified -sVOCs, PAH, and Heavy Metals produced during Li battery fires. This data will assist the entire First Responder community in making sound response decisions to Li-Ion battery fires and provides data to the effectiveness of NFPA 1851 water-based and Liquid Co2 cleaning methods of personal protective equipment.